The Jujyfruits shapes are asparagus, tomato, grape, banana, pineapple, raspberry and pea pod.
You absolutely must be curious about the etymology of jujube.
Heide Candy Company was founded in 1869.
Heide was sold to Hershey Foods Corporation in 1995.
Hershey sold Heide to Farley’s & Sathers Candy Company in 2002.
Farley’s & Sathers merged with Ferrara Pan Can Candy Company in 2012, becoming the Ferrara Candy Company.
What’s a pastille? It’s for when you don’t want to say “lozenge”.
The ad copy:
Luscious morsels of candy goodness that please the taste and make it call for more!
Heide Candies
Heide Jujyfruits 5¢
Heide Assorted Jujubes
Heide Licorice Pastilles
Henry Heide Incorporated • New York, N. Y.