What was it like to get a monkey in the mail? Find out here!
The ad copy:
Darling Pet Monkey
Only $16.95
This Squirrel Monkey makes an adorable pet and companion. Show it affection and enjoy its company. Almost human with its warm eyes, your family will love it. These YOUNG monkeys grow about 12 inches high. Eats same food as you do (even likes lollicops); simple to take care of and train. FREE cage. FREE leather collar and leash, FREE monkey toy, and instructions included. Live delivery guaranteed. Only $16.95 express collect. Mail check or money order for $16.95 to: ANIMAL FARM, Dept. SA-21, Box1042, Miami Beach39, Fla.
Have you seen the “finger moneys” too? What about those “box-O-monkeys” deals? Also, I heard rumors of Chinese “inkwell monkeys” that would live in desk lobbies and help fill ink wells of scribes, but I think these might only be legends. Keep the monkey business coming though!
Better stick with a sock monkey.