Bone shards:
Lincoln Logs were invented by John Lloyd Wright, son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The first set came with instructions to build 1) Abraham Lincoln’s boyhood home and 2) Uncle Tom’s Cabin.
“Interesting playthings typifying the spirit of America.”
The last five letters in “Playskool” are considered to be a “sensational spelling” of “school. SENSATIONAL SPELLING. It’s a thing.
The ad copy:
Dave and the Indian Attack!
Exciting glimpse of frontier life of America—Ever scene authentically illustrated with Lincoln Logs, America’s national toy!
Indians! Run for the stockage, Davy!
I spotted them in war paint coming upstream in canoes.
While Davy raced ahead to give the alarm to the fort, his father warned the others.
Soon every family reached the stockage. As the Indians rushed from their canoes, a hail of bullets hit the fort.
Oh! They’re setting fire to the cabins!
All that night the pioneers beat back attach after attack. At last—After a desperate final assault, the Indians fled.
And so—sadly but thankfully—the settlers set about repairing the damage.
Read more about Davy in “The Conquest of the West” — the exciting new booklet that tells and shows how Davy and his family conquered the frontier wilderness.
It’s free! Mail coupon today!
Lincoln Logs
Dept. D-1,
1750 North Lawndale Ave.
Chicago 47, Ill.
Please send me a free copy of “The Conquest of the West”.
please print plainly
Build a log cabin just like Davy’s
With Lincoln Logs, you can build real, miniature log cabins, forts, wagons, bridges—even complete frontier towns. Each set contains logs in all sizes, an instruction book, and everything else you need to play pioneer. Join the fun today—tell Mom and Dad about Lincoln Logs. They’ll find a set for you wherever toys are sold.
Lincoln Logs
a division of PLAYSKOOL Mfg. Co., 1750 North Lawndale Ave., Chicago 47, Illinois