I’m assuming this company wasn’t named after Dutch Reformed clergyman Albertus van Raalte, but maybe?
Nope. It’s was Emanuel van Raalte. Oh well.
I tried, but can’t quite make out the artist’s signature. Probably not Walt Disney.
The ad copy:
Van Raalte
“Because you love nice things”
Gloves • Stockings • Underthings
Nylon jersey underthings with nylon lace. They look lovelier, last longer than any other kind of lingerie — and are so delightful to touch. They wash in a twinkling, dry in a flash, never stretch, never shrink, never sag — and instantly look like new without a stroke of ironing. Sheerio’ gown $15. Slip $11. Sheerio’ pantie $4. At better stores.