This ad must’ve taken place before they invented personal zones.
A bit about the artist Jay Hyde Barnum.
Hey! The company is still around!
A guide to wearing wool in the summer.
And speaking of wool, meet Shrek, the sheep who escaped shearing for six years by hiding in New Zealand caves.
Or perhaps you would prefer a wood suit?
The ad copy:
“Memo to the boss: One of your best-looking salesmen is also one of your sloppiest dressers. Suggest you tell him about Dixie Weave.”
The little girl is right – the boss pays other people to do the mopping-up around the place. He expects his salesmen to bring in results, not thermometer alibis. That’s why Dixie Weave suits are so popular with men who have to look right when the weather is all wrong.
For Dixie Weaves are smart, porous, all-wool summer suits that let body heat out, entice cooling breezes in, keep you crisply cool on the stickiest days. And because Dixies are all-wool they hold their shape long after the ordinary summer suit has wilted down to a bundle of wrinkles. (Actually, there is no more upkeep cost to this summer suit than there is to a regular-weight suit.)
Resolve now that before another red-hot sun has set you’ll be on the shady side of summer in a Dixie Weave. See this miracle suit at your Hard Schaffner & Marx dealer’s today. And don’t forget — the name is Dixie Weave
A small thing to look for… a big thing to find
Hart Schaffner & Marx