Tag Archives: vintage

Porkish Pride

1950 • The Morrell Menu Maker • Morrell Pride Meats • John Morrell & Co. • Ottuma, Iowa
1950 • The Morrell Menu Maker • Morrell Pride Meats • John Morrell & Co. • Ottuma, Iowa
1950 • The Morrell Menu Maker • Morrell Pride Meats • John Morrell & Co. • Ottuma, Iowa

1950 • The Morrell Menu Maker • Morrell Pride Meats • John Morrell & Co. • Ottuma, Iowa

That’s hot.

Print ad for Coty Paris found in the December 1946 issue of Art News magazine.
Print ad for Coty Paris found in the December 1946 issue of Art News magazine.

Introduced in 1923 by François Coty.

The history of Coty.

What the heck is dusting powder?

Of curious note is that they show the range of prices from high to low instead of low to high like many of us these days are more used to. Perhaps to help seal the deal it was high-end stuff.

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Say goodbye to girdles!

Circa 1949 magazine ad for Blue Swan Suspants
Circa 1949 magazine ad for Blue Swan Suspants

The answer to a maiden’s prayer.

Wanna see the Blue Swan Mills factory? Just scroll at bit at the link.

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I feel the need for seed. Wait…

I thought I had a chance at this Northrup King Northern Grown Tested Seeds box at Saturday’s North Star Auction, but I’ll skip the middle part of the story and say it ended at $775 and I didn’t even get my hand up. One of the best vintage illustrations and designs I’ve seen, and also one of the best preserved. Magnificent!

Northrup King Northern Grown Tested Seeds box
Northrup King Northern Grown Tested Seeds box
Northrup King Northern Grown Tested Seeds box

Did the Swedish Nightingale sing like the Swedish Chef? We’ll never know.

Victor / Victrola magazine ad found in the February 1916 issue of Country Life in America
Victor / Victrola magazine ad found in the February 1916 issue of Country Life in America

The True Story of P.T. Barnum and Jenny Lind

The hidden history behind Nipper, one of the most famous dogs in the world

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This is why we can’t have nice things. Oh, wait…

1948 magazine ad for the Van Raalte Company
1948 magazine ad for the Van Raalte Company

I’m assuming this company wasn’t named after Dutch Reformed clergyman Albertus van Raalte, but maybe?

Nope. It’s was Emanuel van Raalte. Oh well.

I tried, but can’t quite make out the artist’s signature. Probably not Walt Disney.

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Before there was Netflix and Chill, there was Bartlett’s and Boink.

Magazine ad for Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations found in the July 7, 1972 issue of Life magazine.
Magazine ad for Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations found in the July 7, 1972 issue of Life magazine.

“Do… or do not. There is no try.” — Winston Churchill

John Bartlett’s “Familiar Quotations” was first printed in 1855. It’s still in print (many versions later), but it has also made the leap into the app world.

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Fee-fi-fo-fum bear meat’s always yummy-yum!

1953 ad for Sugar Crisp cereal found in a Dell Roy Rogers comic book
1953 ad for Sugar Crisp cereal found in a Dell Roy Rogers comic book

Dandy, Handy and Candy were later replaced by Sugar Bear.

Sugar Crisp is now known as Golden Crisp, because that’s much healthier.

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Nothing sucks like Electrolux.

Seen at an auction, an Electrolux Users Manual, the front and back cover seen here.

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