Tag Archives: video games

Oh, like a wizard bear never grabbed your ass while you were playing video games in the shopping mall arcade.

A 1983 magazine ad for Atari’s Crystal Castles.
A 1983 magazine ad for Atari’s Crystal Castles.

Bone shards:

Bentley Bear makes an appearance in Wreck-It Ralph!

Crystal Castles was a trackball game. And now I’m having Marble Madness flashbacks.

Crystal Castles is now a Canadian band.

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I got a fever!

Pacman (Pac-Man) for the Atari 2600 ad from DC’s Detective Comics #518 (September 1982)
Pacman (Pac-Man) for the Atari 2600 ad from DC’s Detective Comics #518 (September 1982)

Fun facts: Even though it totally sucked compared to the arcade version, over seven million Atari 2600 cartridges of Pac-Man were sold.

It was a 4KB ROM cartridge.

The highest possible score for the arcade version of Pac-Man is 3,333,360 points.

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