Tag Archives: style

This cover kinda makes me want to become a lepidopterist.

Cover of the March 23, 1940 Easter issue of The Saturday Evening Post
Cover of the March 23, 1940 Easter issue of The Saturday Evening Post

The cover art is by J. C. Leyendecker, just some dude who inspired Norman Rockwell. Rockwell would later be one of the pallbearers at Leyendecker’s funeral.

The fella also had one heckuva signature.
The fella also had one heckuva signature.

Do you remember the butterfly life cycle? It’s completely metamorphosis-y.

Where did the word “Easter” come from? Get your etymology on.

Lepidopterist? There’s a society for that.

J. C.’s brother, F. X., created the butterfly lady that was on an old Life magazine cover and later seen on the wall of the “Three’s Company” apartment.

The disturbing joy of a new romance.

Germaine Monteil’s Laughter perfume magazine ad found in a 1946 issue of Art News
Germaine Monteil’s Laughter perfume magazine ad found in a 1946 issue of Art News

I’m mostly sharing this ad just for that one line of copy. It’s a beaut.

Bone shards:

Laughter was Germaine Monteil’s first perfume. It was later rebranded as Rigolade, which is French for “joke”.

Laughter took eight years to develop. “It smells good too.” — Esquire, 1951

“Beauty is not a gift, rather the combination of natural charisms, personal style and expert care.” — Germaine Monteil

Is laughter the best medicine?

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When life hands you lemons…

Found in the April, 1973 issue of Vogue magazine
Found in the April, 1973 issue of Vogue magazine

…make a pantsuit! 

Bone shards:

A mini-history of Dalton.

Here’s more than you probably wanted to know about palazzo pants.

Trevire — Finally, a replacement for that dreadful crimplene

Timothy Dalton was the fifth actor to portray James Bond. Or maybe the sixth. Seventh?

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Rhythm is gonna get you.

1948 magazine ad for Rhythm Lingerie
1948 magazine ad for Rhythm Lingerie

Slip into something a little more comfortable.

Enjoy a brief history of nylon from Mental Floss.

Enjoy a less-brief history of nylon from Science History Institute.

A little bit and a little bit more on “artist of the stars” Bradshaw Crandell.

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If a frock has pockets, are the pockets called frockets?

1948 magazine ad for Country Club
1948 magazine ad for Country Club

Yes, yes they are, because I said so.

I believe this ad also promoted the horror movie, “Attack of the 50 Foot Magic-Plaid-Wearing Woman”.

In 1948, this company made dresses available in sizes 10 to 18. Did you know that dress sizes have changed dramatically over the years?

$6 in 1948 is equal to $65.89 in 2020.

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I beg your pardon. I never promised you a Weingarten.

Magazine ad for WB Erect Form Corsets from around 1901, I think.
Magazine ad for WB Erect Form Corsets from around 1901, I think.

Uhhuhuhuhuhuhuh… “Erect” Uhhuhuhuhuhuhuh…

“…the implement of detestable coquetry which not only betrays a frivolous bent but forecasts the decline of humanity.” – Napoleon Bonaparte on corsets

Would you like to know more about corsets?

Of corset you would! Here ya go! This too. And how about this?

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The Little Girl is Right

Magazine ad for Hart Schaffner & Marx - late 40s/early 50s
Guess who forgot to write the month/year/mag again? Umm… I was originally thinking probably late-40s, maybe early-50s. But she appears to be using some sort of Dictaphone or Ediphone, which would place it in the 1920s or earlier. Unless their boss never upgraded the office equipment, which is also entirely plausible. The shirt collar and necktie kind of have that Roaring Twenties look though. I’m talking to myself again, aren’t I. Yes, Clay, you are.

This ad must’ve taken place before they invented personal zones.

A bit about the artist Jay Hyde Barnum.

Hey! The company is still around!

A guide to wearing wool in the summer.

And speaking of wool, meet Shrek, the sheep who escaped shearing for six years by hiding in New Zealand caves.

Or perhaps you would prefer a wood suit?

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A decade before Brooke Shields said — “You want to know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing.” — there was this.

1971 ad for Landlupper
From the December 1971 issue of Evergreen Review

According to the Vintage Fashion Guild, Landlubber was “THE cool jeans to wear” in the 1970s.

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Just because you look like a serial killer doesn’t mean you can’t look snazzy too!

andrew pallack X line ad
from an August, 1964 issue of Gent magazine

Fun Fact: This ad came out a month before the first episode of The Addams Family on TV. 

Another Fun Fact: Gent magazine was once subtitled “Home of the D-Cups.”

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Some ads are easier to Mach than others.

Arrow Mach II
From the May, 1970 issue of Car and Driver magazine

Dude totally can’t believe they stuck him in a room with a stupid gramophone.

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