Tag Archives: magazines

Soft and flabby mouth-muscles?

Magazine ad for Wrigley’s Double Mint Chewing Gum found in the December 1930 issue of Delineator.

Magazine ad for Wrigley’s Double Mint Chewing Gum found in the December 1930 issue of Delineator.

Wrigley’s introduced Doublemint in 1914, the third flavor produced by after Spearmint and Juicy Fruit. The name “Doublemint” came from the double distillation process used in producing the mint flavor and spawned a popular advertising campaign around the “Doublemint Twins” in 1956. (via Smithsonian)

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1906? We can probably blame the opium.

Found on the back cover of the June 1906 issue of The American Thresherman

Found on the back cover of the June 1906 issue of The American Thresherman.

Product Not To Scale

The ad copy:
It Fills the Bill
J.L. Case Threshing Machine Co.
Racine, Wis.

From back when copy, cut and paste weren’t keyboard shortcuts.

The cover of Print (America’s Graphic Design Magazine) July/August 1974

Well, it took 38 years for me to find out about it, then over a decade for me to track down a copy for myself, but now I have it! — Print (America’s Graphic Design Magazine), July/August 1974 — It has a feature story on art directing National Lampoon, and then they let National Lampoon take over a section of their publication for extra mayhem.


Getting Agricultured

Last night’s adventure was going through a 41 pound lot of The Country Gentleman magazines published between 1915 and 1927.

Here are some of the covers (and one random ad portion) I uncovered while going through this rough but rather large lot.

Chewed to Bits by Giant Turtles

Man's Life magazine- May 1957
Man’s Life magazine – May 1957

What a wonderful way to kick off the new year! Behold, finally in my hands after years of searching, a May 1957 issue of Man’s Life magazine with the Will Hulsey “Chewed to Bits by Giant Turtles” cover. Groovy.

It shouldn’t look this pretty, but it is.

The December 1937 Fortune magazine cover.

Light ’em up!

The December 1939 Fortune magazine cover.

I think that’s an old-timey knife switch to turn power on and off in the lower right quarter, but I’m not 100% certain.


“Beware!” — Life magazine cover, October 30, 1913

1970 in Legs

Those dang hemlines.

I need to subscribe to This Meeting Could’ve Been an Email magazine.

Successful Meetings and Meetings Today magazines