Tag Archives: history

… and now the gift for thirst

Coca-Cola’s Santa Claus, 1952

It’s hammer time.

Coca-Cola’s Santa Claus, 1953

There’s this about Coke…

Coca-Cola’s Santa Claus, 1954

Try not to think about this being 43 years ago.

JCPenney Fall & Winter 1978 Catalog Cover

It’s French.

I received a lovely trio of magazines that go back to the days when French dressing was for shoes.


“Beware!” — Life magazine cover, October 30, 1913

There’s no place like hone.

How’s this for an advertising time capsule, or rather, paperweight and hone from the age of scythes and threshers? A premium given to potential advertisers of The American Thresherman magazine with a little cobranding from The Pike Manufacturing Company.

The whetstone side might be Belgian Yellow Coticule from the Ardennes, which would be 30-42% garnet crystals bonded with mica, which gives a sweet edge on a blade. Supposedly, the stone is one of the reasons Romans conquered Belgium/Belgica back in the day.

Baby Go Wif ‘you?

Snug, warm. Indorsed by physicians. (1909)


Sorry, but I lost where and when this top part of an ad came from. Let’s pretend it’s from the future!

1970 in Legs

Those dang hemlines.