Run away!
Fun fact: O.J. Simpson was once the Vice President of Promotions for Hyde Athletic (Spot-bilt’s parent company).
Another fun fact: Spot-bilt almost landed Michael Jordan back in the day before he went with Nike. Ouch.
Continue readingRun away!
Fun fact: O.J. Simpson was once the Vice President of Promotions for Hyde Athletic (Spot-bilt’s parent company).
Another fun fact: Spot-bilt almost landed Michael Jordan back in the day before he went with Nike. Ouch.
Continue readingIt’s a lucky day when you’re flipping through an old comic book and happen upon one of the first, if not THE first, ad for General Mills Lucky Charms!
Fun facts: “The cereal was created by product developer John Holahan. He developed the original prototype based on Cheerios cereal pieces and chopped up pieces of his favorite candy – Circus Peanuts.”
Circus peanuts!?!? Noooooooooo!
“The marshmallow pieces in Lucky Charms are called ‘marbits.’”
Marbits!?!? Nooooooooo!
More Lucky Charms history can be found here.
Continue readingFun fact: The final original episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle’s show aired on June 27, 1964, two months before the comic book this ad was found in hit the stands.
Another fun fact: Cheerios was originally named CheeriOats. That didn’t last long.
Continue reading“You bet, almost before you know it, a daily 10 minutes with ‘MINI-GYM’ builds you into the kind of real ‘he man’ material bosses want most… and girls go for fastest!” — It pays to read the tiny, tiny type!
The boss’s name is Mr. Bemis. I wonder if he’s any relation to Henry Bemis, the fellow in episode 8 of The Twilight Zone — “Time Enough at Last” — in 1959?
Fun • Magic • Mystery
It’s Fun to be fooled — but it’s More Fun to fool others
Multiplying Billiard Balls
Loaded Cigars
St. Peter’s Lesson
The Floating-Dancing Handkerchief
Nickels Change to Dimes!
Amazing Finger Chopper Trick
Secret Wonder Mirror
Vanishing Key Mystery
Lit Cigarette Vanishes and then reappears!
Send all orders to The House of a Thousand Mysteries
Dept. AC5-61
Trumbull, Conn.
I have a theory about this ad. When the rangers arrive, they find the Lee family has perished after their cotton clothing caught fire. Two of the last three panels show the forest in pristine pre-fire condition, which indicates that the Lee family is in the afterlife and blissfuly unaware of their horrific deaths.
Continue readingI’m guessing the primary purpose of this device was to make it easier for bullies to determine who to kick the crap out of.
Continue readingFun fact: “Punk rock” didn’t exist as a term before Creem’s May 1971 issue.
Bonus: Check out the short trailer for a CREEM documentary here.
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