Tag Archives: christmas

Old School

Neiman-Marcus Christmas Book 1974

This catalog cover is more stunning than it has any right to be — the Neiman-Marcus Christmas Book 1974

It shouldn’t look this pretty, but it is.

The December 1937 Fortune magazine cover.

Light ’em up!

The December 1939 Fortune magazine cover.

I think that’s an old-timey knife switch to turn power on and off in the lower right quarter, but I’m not 100% certain.

Thanks for tracking in all the snow, Santa.

This is probably my favorite of this last batch of Coca-Cola Santa ads.

Coca-Cola’s Santa Claus, 1958

… and now the gift for thirst

Coca-Cola’s Santa Claus, 1952

It’s hammer time.

Coca-Cola’s Santa Claus, 1953

There’s this about Coke…

Coca-Cola’s Santa Claus, 1954

He sees you when you’re smoking…

“Wait… That’s not what we meant…”

What’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this ad?
“Hey, smoke up, Johnny!”

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The Imperial March starts playing…

Hiram Walker, “benevolent despot“, was into millin’ and distillin’.

What’s the difference between whiskey and whisky? Besides the “e”, that is.

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Let’s get Necco with Santa!

Magazine ad for Necco Wafers. I forgot to write down the year.
Magazine ad for Necco Wafers. I forgot to write down the year.

Necco Wafers refuse to die.

Everyone’s least favorite Halloween candy has been making us miserable since 1847.”

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