Tag Archives: bygone


If you know me, you know I had no choice but to find and acquire this magazine. 

November 1908 Farm Life magazine — was in rough shape but Photoshop helped me de-age it some.
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A Music Memory

I remember the music section of Osco Drug in Kirkwood Mall back when I was a kid. All the audio cassettes were in a sealed wall on one side of an aisle, and the wall of cassettes were covered by a giant plexiglass cover with a bunch of round holes in it. Additionally, each cassette was in an extra security case. You could look through the plexiglass/holes and look at all the cassette spines for a cassette you wanted, then reach in through one of the holes and pull it out of the wall. The holes were big enough for your hand to go in, but not big enough to pull your hand out along with the cassette in its security case. So what you had to do was drop the cassette to the bottom (often cracking the cover), where there was a narrow conveyor belt between the wall and plexiglass. Then you had to get an employee to come over and activate the conveyor belt to move the cassette to the side where the employee could access it, remove the security case and then sell the cassette to you.

Some people get nostalgic for the past, but that was pretty effed up.

Très bien.

Elle magazine, 1952

The stunning cover to a 1952 issue of Elle magazine from France, part of a lot of five I received several weeks ago.