They’re so not cool that they’re cool… to the point of not being cool again… which makes them cool again… making people realize they’re not cool… which isn’t just cool… it’s tres cool… so very not cool.
So… Are you pro-Crocs or no-Crocs?
They’re so not cool that they’re cool… to the point of not being cool again… which makes them cool again… making people realize they’re not cool… which isn’t just cool… it’s tres cool… so very not cool.
So… Are you pro-Crocs or no-Crocs?
I saw this floor display for Mission Athletic Care in our local Lowe’s Home Improvement store and I can’t decide if this assembled quirk is a design fail or design win.
Let’s call it a fawin.
Thanks to growing up in North Dakota — where nobody got rid of perfectly-good appliances until they stopped working, exploded, caught fire or got skunked by an actual skunk — I am very familiar with Avocado and Harvest (called “Harvest Gold”* in my neck of the woods). On the other hand, I only have fleeting memories of Woodhue, Frost White and Mist Blue after seeing them here, and the latter two mostly just remind me of those long-expired pastel mints that elderly relatives always had somewhere in their house in a decorative glass container. [shudder]
*I have been informed that Harvest Gold is darker than simply Harvest, but still lighter than the infamous Harvest Black.
Continue readingAfter years and years of research, I have finally found the one person who best epitomizes North Dakotans for the outside world.
It’s not Lawrence Welk, Josh Duhamel (Sorry, ladies.), Shadoe Stevens, Leslie Bibb (Call me!) or Angie Dickinson. Rather, it’s Father Aloysius Bittman of Mandaree, North Dakota, who was featured in a 1969 print ad for Volkswagen.
Don’t believe me? See for yourself.
Continue reading
Actual transcript from a Danimals commercial:
Girl: “What’s with the cool music?”
Boy: “We’ve been squeezefaced!”
Girl: “Squeezefaced?”
Boy: “From the deliciousness of Danimals Squeezables! Wanna get your squeeze on?”
Girl: “Bring it on!”
Boy: “Whoa! Cool!”
Girl: “It’s so good!”
Boy: “This is awesome!”
Boy: “Double squeezeface!”
Girl: “Look!”
Boy: “Whoa!”
Girl: “Wanna try one?”
Principal: “Wow!”
Boy and Girl: “School rocks!”
Girl: “New Danimals Squeezables!”
Boy: “Squeeze more fun into lunch!”
When I’m feeling sad, I simply remember that I don’t work on the Dannon Danimals account and then I don’t feel so bad.
An ordinary wallet can cost you over a hundred dollars… if you are a total friggin’ idiot and/or it is made with albino rhino penis skin.
It’s happened to most of us at least once.
You’re at home watching television or some of your favorite skateboarding ferret videos on YouTube when a commercial comes on. It’s a pretty good commercial. It gets your attention and, after watching it, you form a positive opinion of the product and/or service it was advertising. In this instance, let’s say the ad was for a restaurant chain. The staff was friendly, the food looked great, the atmosphere seemed inviting and everybody seemed to be having a great time.
Hooray! The advertisement has worked and thanks to you forming an opinion, you are now part of the glorious branding experience. Continue reading