Sensuous as the beat of the tom-tom

1946 magazine ad for Corday's Frenzy perfume.
1946 magazine ad for Corday’s Frenzy perfume.

What does it smell like? “sultry, light, flippant”

The artist is Vladimir Bobri (Bobritsky). More of his work here.

Corday was named after Charlotte Corday, a female assassin best known for offing this guy…

La Mort de Marat by Jacques-Louis David
La Mort de Marat by Jacques-Louis David

Does anyone else smell… murder?

The ad copy:


Sensuous as the beat of the tom-tom

parfums Corday

Prices: $65 $35 $18 and $10 plus tax

One thought on “Sensuous as the beat of the tom-tom

  1. Hans Rupert

    Wow, what a great contextual insight into the post WWII ad world! It seems to still have a bit of that ’30s flair to it, but that’s no surprise given the pre-war depression. I’d never run across this designer until your website; thanks for sharing.

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