…prevents CHOLERA and all manner of Epidemic Diseases…

No hope!
No hope!
Behold! The hydroxychloroquine of the mid-1800s.
Behold! The hydroxychloroquine of the mid-1800s.

Did you know the original snake oil was actually good for something?

“Colorful names and even more colorful claims.”

Learn some signs of medical quackery.

The ad copy:

It is a vegetable preparation

Merrell’s Strengthening Cordial, Liver Invigorator and Purifier of the Blood.

Have never heard of it. No hope!

Heard of it and tasted it… Hope dawns!

Magic results! It’s handy to have it in the house.

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1959, by Victor S. Jourdan, in the Clerks Office of the Southern District of Ohio.

It invigorates the STOMACH, stimulates the LIVER, regulates the KIDNEYS, restores the health and vitality of the Blood, gives new life and vigor to all the tissues of the Body and thus raises prostrate Nature. It promptly removes all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Urinary Organs and that class of disorders peculiar to Females; Eruption of the Skin as Pimples, Blotches &c. caused by impure Blood; is a most excellent remedy for DIARRHOEA and CHILLS and FEVERS, prevents CHOLERA and all manner of Epidemic Diseases, Fevers of every kind particularly that great Scourge of the South, YELLOW FEVER. It is the Comsumptives best Friend. It is the greatest Tonic, Alterative, Stimulant, Invigorator and Purifier in the World. It strengthens and supports the System like braces of Iron.

Principal Office 110, North Third Street, near the Cor. of Vine St.
St. Louis, MO.

Price $1 per Bottle or six Bottles for $5.
G. Gibson, 8 Pine Str. St. Louis
French, English and German directions around the Bottle

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