Alas, my summer home is also my fall, winter and spring home.
Aeolian is defined as “relating to or arising from the action of the wind”. If only I had known this word as a child.
The Aeolian Company was once the world’s largest piano supplier, later going out of business in 1985.
A brief history of the pianola, or player piano.
The ad copy:
The Pianola in the summer home
Owing to the recent establishment of our “Exchange Department,” we have a new plan by which Pianolas may be obtained for Summer Homes on exceptionably favorable terms.
Personas who are interested and reply at once, mentioning this magazine, will be given full details.
What the Exchange Department Is
The Exchange Department has been organized in order ot afford an outlet for the Pianolas and pianos which are constantly being taken in exchange for the Metrostyle Pianola and the Pianola Piano, the latest productions of the The Aeolian Company.
The Aeolian Company
Aeolian Hall, 362 Fifth Avenue, New York
124 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio