Category Archives: product!

“That’s hot.”

A pink or caucasian-toned Paris HIlton Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven seen as a ROSS store with anti-theft device and priced at $24.99.

“That’s hot.” — Paris Hilton, forgetting to use her oven mitts again

From the fine people who brought you Oops! I Crapped My Pants.

Whoopsy! Fudge Stripes — Fully Fudged Cookies & Creme
Whoopsy! Fudge Stripes — Fully Fudged Cookies & Creme
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Wipe Out The Competition

At the Bismarck, North Dakota, Target store, Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

I have a theory that the only reason Red (strong) Charmin exists is to take valuable shelf space away from other brands so that people buy more Blue (soft) Charmin.

What we need is Plaid Charmin, bringing soft and strong back into one toilet paper. And as a bonus, the Plaid Charmin Poopbears would be friggin’ adorable.

Now with more diarrhoea!

Nyal Diarrhoea Mixture
Mmmm… 84% pure diarrhoea…
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Gadzooks! Post-Victorian Fashion!

“Hey! Same outfit!”

A huge Fall and Winter 1902/1903 catalog for Chicago’s Tailor-Made Clothing Co. filled with — so this is where that phrase comes from — fashion plates!

I learned something!

(See tape dispenser for scale. I won this at an auction but still haven’t figured out how to store it because it’s too wide for my plastic bins.)

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The Secret

He had money. Fame. An ingenious mind, devastating looks and a passionate soul.

His cheekbones carved by the gods. His jaw set in utter confidence.

Men and women wanted to be him. Do him. Breathe the air next to him.

Angels heralded his every entrance. Devils coveted his many charms.

What was his secret?

Beef Ravioli by Chef Boyardee.


It’s more properly called coprolite, but somebody at the antique store understands the target audience.

Introducing Cascade’s most powerful dishwasher detergent ever!

I was at Cascade’s website trying to figure out the difference between Cascade Platinum and Cascade Complete and didn’t see the “Of Clorox” in the list under “Cascade With The Power” and I would totally buy Cascade With The Power instead of Cascade Platinum or Cascade Complete.

Cascade With The Power

Let’s make this happen, people!

The adtothebone review of McDonald’s Grand Mac

The McDonald’s Grandma, err… Grand Mac with a miniature $100 bill to mess up your sense of scale.

It tasted like a Big Mac. Continue reading

Looks like Disney spiced up the original story a bit.

The Very Hung Caterpillar