Category Archives: going critical

When the VP of Sweaters tells you to hurry the heck up and send out that darn Target email already!

So close.

It happens to the best of us.

If you’re an art director or graphic designer, here’s an SNL skit you didn’t know you needed. And that ending…

Whoever wrote this sublime Tumblr app update description, I bow before your greatness.

Never miss the opportunity to make something awesome.

The copy: Why do we malign bugs so? Are we not their Creators? As we crush them, do we not crush a part of ourselves? It was not weakness or failure that allowed them into this world. Nay, it was the light of innovation that we cast into the dark corners that these bugs call home. ’Twas our torches that send those bugs skittering. This update does not contain bug fixes. No! This update contains bug promises. Promises to find them a new home where each may pursue those interests most central to them.

The turnover rate at the Bismarck Burger King must be insane.

burger king sign in bismarck, north dakota

The art director must’ve fallen asleep before kerning this ad.

Spotify-placed ad for Serta mattresses

The kerning (or lack thereof) of this Serta ad has left me tossing and turning.

And twitching.

“Thank you for paying for your service plan these last few years, sucker.”

That magical moment when, after not having hot water for three days, your utility company’s outsourced service plan provider decides to give you the middle finger via voicemail.

Audio Player

Blowing Smoke

For those of you who still believe that corporations always have the best interests of Americans in mind, here’s a nice little something from 1984.

(cough) (cough) Bullshit! (cough) (cough)

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I finally found some spae for my cawpers!


backpacking backpacks

I want to know what happened in 1989.