Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc is the perfect choice for a swingin’ Saturday night.
Grab a glass, drop your pants, and undo ordinary.
“Now that’s Progressive!”
Five seconds later, her hair burst into flames.
“Now act like she just farted.”
A triumph in genetic engineering, black magic and initial sales, demand soon plummeted for the evil hot wings that noisily regenerated themselves after every bite.
Woo! Check out the rack on that first one!
Make sure your actress likes Greek-style yogurt before shooting your Greek-style yogurt TV commercial.
A special pose usually only mastered by top models, the O.N.B. combines the mannequin-style “hand on hip, elbow out” look of Pose #2 with the classic arched-back “stinkbug on the beach” posture of Pose #31. Used primarily when the model needs to pass gas during a long photo shoot.
You know that scene in Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back on the ice planet Hoth after Han Solo found the almost-frozen Luke Skywalker and used Luke’s lightsaber to slice open the gut of the Tauntaun?
These guys remind me of that moment.