Category Archives: branding

Some Light Reading in the Drive-Thru Lane

Quality Service That Doesn't Cut Corners Is Our Recipe

I suspect a Wendy’s committee added those middle three lines, but it does explain their square burger patties.

Let’s go, Peloton!

“I ate a whole thing of garlic hummus last night, Peloton! I’ve got major garbanzo gas, Peloton! Pity the fools Pelopedaling behind me, Peloton! I’m Pelofarting my ass off, Peloton!”

— if I was a Peloton cycling instructor video-streaming on a Peloton in a Peloton commercial

Gadzooks! Post-Victorian Fashion!

“Hey! Same outfit!”

A huge Fall and Winter 1902/1903 catalog for Chicago’s Tailor-Made Clothing Co. filled with — so this is where that phrase comes from — fashion plates!

I learned something!

(See tape dispenser for scale. I won this at an auction but still haven’t figured out how to store it because it’s too wide for my plastic bins.)

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Moments later, they were trampled by the herd.

Falstaff Beer “framed” print seen at auction.

they bend… they flex… they’re light as air. the lightest shoes that you can wear!

I was going to bid on this Enna Jettick motorized shoe display (the cat bends the shoe) at an auction, but it quickly went north of a hundred bucks so I behaved myself. Very cool demonstration idea, especially for the era. #branding #display #marketing

A Beauty from Anheuser-Busch

I love this.

My other car is a clydesdale.

Subway’s tagline from their short-lived foray into edgy advertising.

fresh as f*ck

Just don’t ask what they renamed their sandwich artists.

At least they tried.

Awkward Brands


The end of Sears nears.

Sears, Gateway Mall, Bismarck, North Dakota

Introducing Cascade’s most powerful dishwasher detergent ever!

I was at Cascade’s website trying to figure out the difference between Cascade Platinum and Cascade Complete and didn’t see the “Of Clorox” in the list under “Cascade With The Power” and I would totally buy Cascade With The Power instead of Cascade Platinum or Cascade Complete.

Cascade With The Power

Let’s make this happen, people!